my body; my enemy

my body; my enemy
Rain Fenek Bloodworth
July 25-August 5, 2023

Satellite Project Space
121 Dundas St, London, ON
Monday-Friday 2-7pm, Saturday 12-5pm

Opening Reception: Tuesday, July 25, 5pm

Exhibition Statement
Have you ever been sick?

Sickness is understood to be an inevitable, yet temporary, evil caused by human sin or error. Humans believe being corporeal is a limit to overcome for the sake of infinite peace. We are taught to assume sickness will be a battle that ends with a conclusive defeat, the terminal banishment of infection and disability, or death. Humans expect a climax, anticipate resolution, and yearn for validation in a system that favours those who are lucky and silent, smiling through gritted teeth.

In truth, no suffering ends forever. Living in a body with chronic or mental illness can feel like a righteous punishment from an unjust god. You are trapped in a vessel that feels like it is failing more than thriving, and the world is a larger, cruller prison. While your mind is pitted against your body–fighting for strength, energy, survival–the dimensions of modern society, uncontrollable passion, or genetic tragedy make existing with long-term illness an unending nightmare.

For years, I saw my body and its grievances as a cosmic joke and hindrance to my progress. However, as my symptoms led to more answers, I understood that my war is not against my flesh but the colonial, capitalist civilization that failed my family, subsequently failing me. I inherited generational diseases and trauma inflicted by ignorant powers. Existential dread caused by systemic injustice led me to believe my life was a constant bother to be placated. My body still hurts, but I survive knowing I’m not the cause.

my body; my enemy uses horror and terror to unpack the complexity of bodily autonomy while living with illness and madness. Furthermore, mourning the loss of identity as I was at the mercy of forces beyond control or comprehension, government or cosmic.

So, have you ever been sick?

Artist Statement
Rain Fenek Bloodworth is a mixed race, queer mixed media artist who resides in the Anishinabek territory known as London, ON. Rain creates meaningful multimedia works that speak to their raw experiences with disability, poverty, illness, and trauma in a way that resonates with their community. Rain graduated with their BFA from Western University in 2022 and has contributed to numerous local exhibitions, publications, and community art projects such as the Main Street Mural Program and the first annual ArtComp at 100 Kellogg Lane.

The Chronicon, 30″ x 30″. Acrylic on canvas, 2023
The Burden, 12″ x 9″. Acrylic on canvas, 2023
Bloated Butterfly, 20″ x 16″. Acrylic on canvas, 2023
The Gates, 34″ x 18″ x 16″. Mixed media sculpture; includes hinged tote, authentic pill bottles,
and handmade doll, 2023
We need to talk, approx. 30″ x 17″ x 18″. Mixed media sculpture; includes handmade rabbit
dolls, found objects, and authentic pill bottles, 2023
III: Echo, 22″ x 14″. Pomegranate, raspberry, ink, hammer, and knife on cloth and paper,