Recent Things

Recent Things: Tricia Johnson

Satellite Project Space
121 Dundas St, London, ON

Satellite will have altered hours during this exhibition, see below for June 23-30 hours.
2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
2:00 pm – 7:00 pm
12:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Opening Reception: June 20th, 5-7pm

Recent Things is a collection of artworks that I have made recently, in the context of what recent
means to me, as time slips along so quickly. Some of the works emerged after my first
Community Engagement Learning course, Embroidering with the Guild, back in 2018. Although
I learned to embroider as a child, it was never a medium and material I had considered for my
work but have been thinking about it a lot since. The pieces on linen were translated from early
etchings and I enjoyed the slow process of constructing embroidered lines from quickly drawn
and etched ones. Some of the work was started during the pandemic and finished after. Others
were worked on over months and years when I could snatch a moment of time. Overall, they
each exist in their own right but as a collective capture my continued wonderings of the
conjoined meaningfulness and meaninglessness of objects, the perplexity of truly understanding
any artwork and the incomprehensible vastness of the things existing with us humans on this